Formica Group x Teresa Sapey + Partners has designed CONTORNOS DEL AGUA, an interactive installation for Madrid Design Festival 23. We intervened in the main lobby of the Fernán Gómez Theater, in one of the corridors located under the iconic fountain in Plaza de Colón.
The user is proposed to take an 'underwater' trip. Through the material, light and sound, the traveler will be able to immerse themselves in a dreamlike experience that will bring them closer to one of the most important elements that nature offers us: water. The installation aims to reflect on the importance of managing this natural resource in a conscious and sustainable way. A fundamental reflection to restore the balance of life and the planet. Both in its own design and in the choice of materials, the installation has been devised so that it is easily removable and can be stored and transported efficiently, with the aim of being reused in other exhibitions.
CONTORNOS DEL AGUA is a sustainable proposal both in design and in concept that has a fundamental objective: to remind the user of the importance of water and its conscious and sustainable use.
As Fernán Gómez said: "Nature, my friends, is the most amazing spectacle man can see."
Category | Ephemeral & Pop Up Architecture
Colour Palette | Happy Rainbows
#madriddesignfestival #sapeyformdf2023 #popupdesign #placemaking
#thepowerofcolour #aplacetointeract #sapeyforformica
Photos by Asier Rua
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